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Who We Are

The best teams complement each other and result in accurate and seamless
delivery—that is how we have built our team.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide expertise, support, and peace of mind for all those with fiduciary responsibility.

Our Mission

Fiduciary Accounting Services, LLC serves fiduciaries and their advisors by providing an accounting narrative that is understood by all, employing a consultative and proven methodology, and delivering unparalleled expertise in fiduciary accounting. We are the premier provider of fiduciary accounting services in California, transforming transactions into actionable information.

Our Values

  • We uphold a commitment to excellence, reflected in the quality of our work, integrity, and knowledge that sets us apart.
  • We value the trust and respect that define our relationships.
  • We deliver expertise and support to ensure peace of mind for the people we serve.
  • We celebrate personal and collective growth in pursuit of meaningful work.

Our Team

FAS is made up of people who have the analytical skills, attention to detail, and desire to produce the highest quality work. We bring our whole team to each and every case. This provides our clients with the benefit of our expertise and the efficiency of a cohesive team working on their behalf.

Click image for bio

Heather Hamilton, Managing Principal

Heather Hamilton

Managing Principal

Kyle Haas, Senior Director at Fiduciary Accounting Services, LLC

Kyle Haas

Senior Director

Alaina DeWit, Director

Alaina DeWit

Senior Director

John Pratuch, Senior Associate - Fiduciary Accounting Services, LLC

John Pratuch

Senior Director

Kay Gertmenian, Project Manager

Kay Gertmenian

Director of Marketing and Client Relations

Celia Millis, Finance/Human Resource Manager - Fiduciary Accounting Services, LLC

Celia Millis

Finance/Human Resources Manager

Julian DeSouza, Senior Associate - Fiduciary Accounting Services, LLC

Julian DeSouza


Cheryl Gregson, Associate - Fiduciary Accounting Services, LLC

Cheryl Gregson

Project Director

Tanner McCoy

Tanner McCoy


Sarah Curtis, Associate

Sarah Curtis


Patrick Luong, Associate

Patrick Luong

Senior Associate

Conrad Bremer– Associate

Conrad Bremer


Raoul Harley

Raoul Harley


Lucas Martin, Associate

Lucas Martin


Richard Mestas

Richard Mestas


Emily Norby- Associate

Emily Norby


Miah Phinnessee, Associate

Miah Phinnessee


Jody Rich, Associate

Jody Rich


Natalie Gertler – Project Data Assistant

Natalie Gertler

Project Data Assistant

Brenda Ramirez– Data Entry Specialist

Brenda Ramirez

Data Entry Specialist

Justyn Recania, Data Entry Specialist

Justyn Recania

Data Entry Specialist

Kristina Garcia

Kristina Garcia

Client Relations Associate

Natayah Smith, Office Manager

Natayah Smith

Office Manager